Saturday, August 24, 2013

My Sexy Saturday!

Internet woes have me running late but it's time for another My Sexy Saturday! Find more sexy 7's here:

Here's the scoop: Participating authors will post 7 paragraphs, 7 sentences, or 7 words. For me, this time it's 7 sentences from my soon-to-be-released Enchanted Skye. 

Alexander MacCodrum belongs to a race of shape-shifting sea creatures living on Scotland’s Isle of Skye. When Jenna MacLeod unknowingly adds seven tears to the salt of the sea, she accidentally unleashes an ancient charm that catches the transformed Selkie unawares. Under this binding spell, Alex must win Jenna's heart, or the pain of unrequited love will drive him to take his own life. Unfortunately for Alex, Jenna hasn’t come to Skye looking for love and it will take the force of a hurricane to bring them together. But worse, Jenna’s violent ex-boyfriend has found her at last and Carl has made it perfectly clear – if he can’t have her, no one can.

Setting the Stage:
When Alex learns Jenna is on her way to the lighthouse to visit her uncle, he decides to arrange a "chance encounter". He hurries to the sea cave, puts on his waterskin, and shifts into his Selkie form. Climbing on the rocks to get a better view of her car drawing near, he meets his older brother there. Lachlan's reason for being there is to keep an eye upon Alex. If Jenna doesn't return Alex's affection soon, the charm will spur his brother to kill himself.

I give you 7:
Hey yer blocking my sun. Surprised, Alex turned to find his elder brother sunning on the rocks just below.

With no voice by human standards, the brothers spoke telepathically. Alex asked, So why are ye here Lachlan?

I felt like a swim.

Alex eyed him skeptically. Is that so? A swim ye say? I don’t know if you’ve noticed yet brother, but you’re dry.

Lachlan laughed, the harsh sound not unlike that of a loud barking dog with a smoker’s cough. He was there for one reason – to be sure Jenna was still friendly toward their brother, for as Bea said, a loving relationship could start on friendly terms. The alternative was too painful to consider. A terrible strain existed between Alex and Jenna just days ago, and though they’d a slight improvement since the evening of music at the Spùinneadair-mara, they weren’t taking any chances. He said, Well maybe I wanted to see where my little brother was headed like a bat out of hell. Following Alex’s gaze, he caught sight of Jenna’s car in the distance. Ah, now I see.

Climbing onto higher rocks for a better view, Alex watched Jenna’s car make the bend where she nearly fell to her death. The road was safer coming than going. He poked his snout in her direction. It’s crazy because we’ve only just met. But Lachlan, I think I’m in love with that woman. 

 I can tell ye are, Alex, we all can.

I'm having a busy weekend. Come see!

Sneak Peek Sunday plus a Sweet Saturday Sample today! 

Sexy Snippets here tomorrow!

The Weekend Writer Warriors

Available now and FREE on Sunday!
See my part in the Darwin Murders ebook


Rose Anderson ~ Love Waits in Unexpected Places

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  1. Hey Rose, I hope this is where I post a comment to your sexy snippet--very romantic! Thanks for sharing. M. S.

  2. Aww I really think this came off sweet. I hope she finds out soon that he is in love with her.
    My Blog

  3. This book really intrigues me. I loved seeing his vulnerable side.


  4. Thanks for stopping by everyone. I don't have a date for release just yet, but it's coming soon.

  5. Wonderful snippet, Rose. I really love Skye...then again who wouldn't when you're related to them? LOL! Yes, Skye is my husband's ancestral home and this will definitely be on my TBR pile.

    Thanks for being part of My Sexy Saturday.
