Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Marketing for Romance Writers' Books Hooks #MFRWhooks

MFRW Authors Blog
It's Wednesday and time for the Marketing for Romance Writers Books Hooks mini hop! (see linky list below) Participants post 6-8 sentences from their novel. Today I'm offering a bit from  my backlist ~ Dreamscape

Written in homage to Agatha Christie,
Dreamscape is a haunting, a murder, a thriller, a mystery, a time-travel of sorts, and a love story that transcends time. Above all, this sensual tale is a reader's Easter egg hunt in the truest sense. Not everything is as it appears. Peppered throughout are little clues suggesting a story running behind the scenes.

Setting the Stage~ Lanie is out on a blind date with friends and Jason sits home watching the clock. What else can a ghost do? After determining a bit of kissing went on, Jason finds himself irritated.

My 8~
Annoyed, Jason swept his hand across the counter and knocked the spoon to the floor with a clatter.
    Lanie jumped at the sound. Frowning, she reached under the chair where a spoon had inexplicably fallen then looked around for anything that might have knocked it on the floor, hoping she didn’t have large mice or, God forbid, rats. Setting it in the sink, she said, “I think I have ghosts.”
    Jason’s anger instantly faded as her statement took him by surprise. Testing her, he slowly opened the cabinet door, the old hinges squeaking and groaning. She turned to the sound of the swinging door, and he watched her face carefully. No fear, just curiosity.


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And here are the other Book Hooks participants: