Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Knee-deep in Santa's workshop

I make many of my gifts for my loved ones. While I’m seeing to my seasonal projects to accomplish by the end of December, you'll notice my blogs are somewhat quiet. My main blog is still a little active from now until the end of the year. I'm currently posting vintage holiday postcards there. Gorgeous happy things from days gone by. 

I'm also highlighting promotional opportunities for authors and contests for authors and readers alike on my two group blogs Exquisite Quills and Romance Books '4' Us. Find details for both and subscribe to my main blog here: 

In the meantime,  allow me to introduce my unique love stories through their book trailers. I hope you enjoy. Scroll down to learn how you can sample my books for free!


Sample all of my love stories for free!

Pick up a free copy of our
Exquisite Quills Holiday Anthology Vol 1


You'll LOVE Reading Rose!

Main Blog:
Subscribe on the Main blog for interesting posts, updates & more.

Satellite Blogs:
One hop or four, there's lots of action on these blogs!

Salon Blog:
Come start a great discussion or add to one. (temporarily inactive)

Exquisite Quills:
Several authors & their romances
From sweet to scorching. 

Discover our author promo opportunities

Exquisite Quills Yahoo Group: Open to readers and writers

Romance Books '4' Us: I'm a featured blogger the 4th of every month
Many great topics there all month long.

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Rose-Anderson/e/B004XDGWL6
I'll happily sign all ebooks with Authorgraph.

Social Media:
I'm everywhere. Come say hi. 

Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/FollowTheMuse/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/roseanderson_
Tumblr: http://author-roseanderson.tumblr.com/
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com//MusesWritingTablet
Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/117411462633912228541/posts
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rose.anderson.7524
About.me: http://about.me/rose_anderson_author

Author Pages etc:
I have many author's pages and static pages around the web. Too many to list here! If you see me, do say hello.

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